Terms & Conditions

Publisher of this website:

mademoiselle flowers SRL - 242 Av de la Couronnne - 1050 Brussels Belgium.

All the products (flowers, plants, chocolates, etc.) presented on this site are sold by Aquarelle S.A. The mademoiselle.flowers site puts Internet users in contact with Aquarelle S.A., who will be responsible for taking orders, preparing bouquets, logistics and customer relations.

mademoiselle flowers SRL therefore does not maintain no commercial relationship with the buyer of the bouquet / plant / accessories (chocolate, vases, ...).

Article 1: Product prices

Product prices are quoted in euros, all taxes included. Product prices do not include delivery charges (transport). Delivery charges will be indicated on the order form before the sale is confirmed.
Products are supplied at the price in force at the time the order is placed with our partner.

Article 2: Complaints

If you have any complaints or questions about your order, please contact the company's sales department at Aquarelle-Boeckx NV. Meir, 24 Bus 7 | 2000 Antwerpen | BE - Belgium | info@aquarelle.be in charge of your order.

Article 3: Personal data management

mademoiselle pays particular attention to the protection of her clients' personal data. Therefore, we commit ourselves to respect the law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, modified by the European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of personal data known as RGPD.

By using the mademoiselle.flowers website, you agree to the collection and use of your personal data in the manner described in our data protection charter.

Article 4: Jurisdiction

All disputes, controversies or claims arising out of or relating to these general terms and conditions of sale, or its interpretation or execution, shall be settled by the court of Brussels, Belgium, to whose jurisdiction the parties are irrevocably subject.
